Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid, ascorbate) is a nutrient that cannot be synthesized in the human body, but is required for many biochemical processes. A healthy and balanced diet is one of the sine qua non for preventing diseases and staying fit. The most important source of vitamin C is fruits and vegetables.
However, vitamin C, which has a very sensitive structure, can be lost up to one hundred percent due to heat (cooking), contact with metal knives or choppers, exposure to light or oxygen. For this reason, although it can be included in many foods, the main source of vitamin C in terms of usability is fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is a very important nutrient with countless benefits.
In case of deficiency and increased need, supplements can be given in the form of oral pills, water-soluble tablets or vitamin C serum. Apart from these, the use of vitamin C supplements is not recommended without consulting a physician.
While vitamin C at physiological levels creates an antioxidant effect in the body, it also has an oxidant effect in case of high doses, and for this reason, it can be used in the destruction of cancer cells and in the fight against infections.